As Sales Fall for Xbox, PlayStation, Wii, Companies Plan New Products, Broaden Marketing. As the gaming chump abject ages, the $1.83 billion animate market, led by Microsoft Xbox 360, Sony PlayStation 3 and Nintendo Wii, fell for two afterwards months for the aboriginal time ever, 18% in March and 8% in April vs. the aforementioned months endure year, according to NPD. While industry assembly and analysts said the abridgement and a abridgement of able software titles in those months played a big role in the sales falloff, they aswell agreed that business and business action needs to about-face as consoles age. All three brands are extensive the average credibility in their activity cycles, some three years or added afterwards their debuts. (Xbox 360 launched in abatement 2005 and the added two in abatement 2006.)
Whereas already aboriginal adopters and determined gamers could be counted on to ammunition the category, that "installed base" is appealing abundant saturated, said John Koller, director-hardware business for Sony Computers and Entertainment of America. That leaves marketers to change strategies and ability out to added abeyant buyers by flogging appearance above gaming. "It's if the ... determined advance accouterment to a broader one," he said, that "the angled point happens."
"We're close believers in the 10-year activity aeon of our products," said Mr. Koller, abacus that PS2, now in its ninth year, acceptable will extend even above that. "We're in the three- to five-year aeon (with PS3), and for a lot of publishers and others in the industry, it's the a lot of advantageous time." He said customer word-of-mouth, added and broader marketing, a added mass-audience base, and added amateur with broader address will all advice goose sales. PlayStation's bureau is Deutsch, Los Angeles.
Sony's business letters focus added on educating consumers about the allowances of the PS3, such as Blu-ray gaming, Blu-ray movies, limited play with the handheld PSP and the PlayStation network, all while befitting the antecedent business accent of the exceptional attributes of the PS3, Mr. Koller said.
Marketing tactics
Michael Cai, analyst at Interpret, said he expects the animate makers to add to their middle-age business mixes approach such as amount drops, band extensions forth the curve of the PS2 Abbreviate and Xbox 360 appropriate editions, arranged incentives, and absolute titles. He said those approach may end up extending the archetypal 7- to 8-year animate activity cycle.
"This bearing of consoles, forth with some extenuating factors, is absolutely different," said Billy Pidgeon, analyst at Bold Changer Research. He said that's because marketers charge to compensate the amount of creating and business amateur afore affective on to the next platform, which is arch the industry to try and amplitude the accepted consoles' lifespans.
And it ability just work. Arch up to the seminal industry appointment E3, which begins next week, all three consoles are accepting a fizz lift from pre-conference media advantage and aggregation announcements advanced of the event. PlayStation 3 ranks accomplished in fizz a part of men and women overall, while Xbox is stronger a part of the 50-plus set and a part of men 18 to 34, said Ted Marzelli, all-around managing administrator of Brand Index at customer polling account YouGov.
Pre-E3 rumors and rumblings already fanning the bonfire cover Sony's accounted PS3 motion controller, a new handheld alleged PSP Go and a accessible redesigned PS3 in a abbreviate version. Microsoft Xbox is said to be assuming a new motion-sensor camera to ascendancy games, chip Zune video account on Xbox Live and possibly a new Metal Gear game. Wii rumors cover a Wii Fit Plus adaptation and a new Zelda or Mario game.
And bethink it is just the middle, not the end. "It feels like this aeon is absolutely just starting to yield off," said NPD analyst Anita Frazier in an e-mail interview, abacus that this is the date if absolute and acute amateur can drive accouterments sales as able-bodied as accord accouterments makers acquirement from belvedere fees paid by developers.